Facebook lags. Teenagers use the internet while studying, playing sports, and attending religious services.
Adding to the growing list of signs Facebook's influence among young people may be waning, a new poll shows it lags behind YouTube in popularity. Ninety-three percent of the 13-to-18-year olds surveyed checked the video site at least weekly, while only 65% said the same for Facebook. Pollsters didn't ask about newer social networks, like SnapChat.
The poll, conducted by IPSOS MediaCT and Wikia, also found that teenagers are using smartphones, tablets, and computers to access the internet at pretty much all the times they're not supposed to. Fifty-six percent go online at church, the same percentage do so while doing homework, and 55% are online while playing sports. All of the 1,203 teens polled said they were online more than an hour a day.
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